Product Review: California Baby and Honest Company’s Shampoo + Body Wash


I’ve used most baby soaps the stores have to offer. After using Aveeno and Johnson and Johnson soaps I decided to use the higher end ones Target offers.

CB’s version has less lather than J&J’s, smells of lavender, and rinses off easily. Tear free and is made with natural ingredients.

As much as I love thick soapy goodness, I know it means there’s more sulfates and that means more drying on the skin, which we are trying to avoid for our little kiddos.


Honest’s Shampoo and Body Wash is plant based, no harsh chemicals, and smell of oranges and vanilla, which is a great change from the ever so popular lavender. I’m not a big fan of lavender so I was happy to see they did something different. The Honest one lathers a tad bit more and is also tear free.

Both bottles weigh at 8.5 ounces, and both range around the $10.00 mark. Recently Honest teamed up with Target, and you can find the Honest products at their stores. Honest Company has a great bundle deal online, which comes out a little cheaper at the end if you like to use their products. It’s easy to sign up, you can manage which products you want each month, and change your delivery date to whenever it suits you.

I really like Honest’s Shampoo and Body Wash, which we’ve already repurchased. Don’t quote me on this, but I’ve heard rumors that J&J products have a lot of chemicals that can cause cancer (I mean what doesn’t?), so I am more than happy to spend a couple more dollars to give my baby a product free of chemicals.

Thanks for reading and stopping by! Hope this helped you out.