Baby Bum Spray Comparison: Honest Soothing Bottom Wash + Diaper Lotion Potion


I first discovered “butt spray” when I started looking into cloth diapers. The spray is not limited to just cloth diapers. It helps a lot when you have a big mess in the underpants area!

I had used the Diaper Lotion Potion for a while and it was wonderful, but as usual I get bored of things and wanted to use new products. So a few months ago I decided to try out Honest one. Here are my thoughts on both.

First off, the Diaper Lotion Potion, we’ll call it DLP. DLP is a concentrated concoction of essential oils, that you dilute with water, preferably distilled water, that way it won’t go bad, or witch hazel. There’s only three ingredients! Jojoba oil with chamomile for moisture, lavender oil for healing and fragrance, and tea tree oil for antibacterial purpose, that’s it! To make the diaper solution, you only need a tablespoon of the oil and 4 oz of water or witch hazel. Which in total, makes 8 bottles. The concentrated DLP cost on Amazon is around $15. The Honest Soothing Bottom Wash retails at $9.95. So that right there tells me the DLP is up top on my list of pros. My only con for the DLP is the bottle I bought for it. The atomizer sprays very sheer mists and it takes several pumps to get the results I want, and if you’re a mom, you know what it’s like to struggle during a diaper change when there’s poop everywhere! You just want it done quick, easy and clean! My baby’s bottom was always smooth and supple after using the DLP and it definitely helped the healing process when she had bad diaper rashes. Pros all around!

Right off the bat, I loved the Honest bottom wash. It was in a bigger bottle, better to hold on to. All the great ingredients the Honest company always promises. Con: There’s 3 times the ingredients in this one than the DLP. It did a great job for the daunting diaper explosions. Although, it felt like I was using soap on her butt. It foamed a lot and I wasn’t too keen on using a spray that felt like it needed a rinse under the faucet. This is not a good spray to use when your little one has the slightest big of a rash!!! It must have stung or something because she started crying the second I sprayed it on her butt! She’s never had that reaction with the DLP solution. My daughter has extra sensitive skin, so diaper rashes was a common occurrence. As much as I love Honest products, this is not one I will repurchase. I do love the bottle and atomizer. The spray covers a wide range, and gets the job done with just a couple spritz. I’ve decided to use the Honest bottom wash bottle with my DLP concentrate, and it was match made in diaper disaster heaven!

I hope this review helped.

Thanks for stopping by!

Product Review: California Baby and Honest Company’s Shampoo + Body Wash


I’ve used most baby soaps the stores have to offer. After using Aveeno and Johnson and Johnson soaps I decided to use the higher end ones Target offers.

CB’s version has less lather than J&J’s, smells of lavender, and rinses off easily. Tear free and is made with natural ingredients.

As much as I love thick soapy goodness, I know it means there’s more sulfates and that means more drying on the skin, which we are trying to avoid for our little kiddos.


Honest’s Shampoo and Body Wash is plant based, no harsh chemicals, and smell of oranges and vanilla, which is a great change from the ever so popular lavender. I’m not a big fan of lavender so I was happy to see they did something different. The Honest one lathers a tad bit more and is also tear free.

Both bottles weigh at 8.5 ounces, and both range around the $10.00 mark. Recently Honest teamed up with Target, and you can find the Honest products at their stores. Honest Company has a great bundle deal online, which comes out a little cheaper at the end if you like to use their products. It’s easy to sign up, you can manage which products you want each month, and change your delivery date to whenever it suits you.

I really like Honest’s Shampoo and Body Wash, which we’ve already repurchased. Don’t quote me on this, but I’ve heard rumors that J&J products have a lot of chemicals that can cause cancer (I mean what doesn’t?), so I am more than happy to spend a couple more dollars to give my baby a product free of chemicals.

Thanks for reading and stopping by! Hope this helped you out.

Product Review: Dr. Bronner’s Castile Liquid Soap


Ah, yes. The Magic soap.

I was first introduced to Dr. Bronner’s Castile liquid soap through the wonderful community that is Pinterest. I was browsing Pinterest, and came across non-toxic multipurpose cleaning solutions. One of the ingredients was Dr. Bronner’s amazing soap. Castile soap to be exact, which just means soap made with olive oil. After seeing it on Pinterest, I saw it everywhere. In Korean tv shows, Youtube videos, blogs. It got me so interested to try the stuff, needless to say.

My first purchase was the Baby Mild, the one in the light blue bottle. I was pregnant at the time, and I was trying to buy a bunch of stuff in preparation for my little princess. When I received it, I didn’t open it till Rylee was born. I wanted to save it for her, so I resisted, yeah, I’m weird.

Well a couple months later, she was here! Her first bath wasn’t even with me! My mom had taken over and Rylee was pampered by Grandma. After that it was all us, me and the hubby. We had used the Baby Mild for weeks, and I noticed Rylee getting lil patches of dry spots. I thought to myself, there’s no way it’s the awesome soap that everyone raved about, maybe I just need to use more lotion. Of course, I was in denial! After using a good portion of the 36oz bottle, which took forever to use up, I decided to by a regular soap for babies at the store. I think it was an Aveeno one for eczema, sensitive skin. My, my did it make a difference! In my honest opinion, even the Baby Mild is too drying of a soap to use for babies, especially for newborns!

It took me months to use the soap up, I used it mainly to clean my hands. After months of trying to use it up, when it was gone, I missed it! Yes, despite how I felt about it for my kid, it did a great job of cleaning things. If I had too much product in my hair, it washed it all out, not a trace of hairspray, gel, or the dreaded wax, that takes 3 shampoo sessions to get off. I have the world’s greasiest hair, so as a clarifying shampoo I used this soap once a week. I’m willing to bet that it can even take soap scum off bath tubs and shower curtains! If you have a stubborn stain, or something you use on a regular basis that should be cleaned once in awhile, like a hairbrush, it’s great!


I’m sure there’s many many more uses for it, and I can’t wait to find them!

Hope this helped, let me know your experiences with the Magic Liquid soap.
